The Opportunities (Problems)
Target Groups and Customers
User Research
Our Services and Products
The future of building startups:
- MVP speed (1x per month)
- AI-accelerated
- Superniche is the new niche
- Community 1st, software 2nd
- No-code 1st, some code 2nd
- 10x more automated
- Global teams, localized products
- 95% dominated by solopreneurs and microentrepreneurs (teams less than 12)
- Pop-up digital experiences (apps that only work on certain times)
- Needs the marketing holy-trinity to hit escape velocity: 1. product/market fit, 2. content/market fit and 3. community/market fit
- Team is half robots, half humans(cc@youneedarobot)
- Accelerated by "boring marketing" (cc@boringmarketer)
- Multiple revenue streams
- Design matters. The bar is high
- Partnered w/ creators (creators are the distribution)
- Feels like a game (levels, status, badges, in-app currency, challenges, collectibles/items)
- Purpose-driven moonshots: societal impact matters
- Productized agencies to generate cashflow (ex design agency @DispatchDesign)
- Product studios become the norm
- 99% of MVPs won't need VC